Шаблоны для powerpoint вирус

Search Keywords: Corona, Virus, China, Danger, Dangerous, Disease, Forbidden, Illegal, Illness, Infection, Information, Injection, Laboratory, Macro, Middle, No, Placard, Prohibited, Forbidden, Protection, Protection, Red, Research, Limited, Symbol, Signal, Silhouette, Propagation, Stop, Symbol, Syringe, Warning, Background, Illustration, Icon, Hospital, Human, Health, healthy, Help, Biology, concept, design, figure, graphic, image, life, shape, PowerPoint Templates, ppt, google slides

Coronavirus PowerPoint Templates: It includes 48 slides

  • Fully and easily editable (shape color, size, and text)
  • This template has a color theme and will automatically apply color when copied and pasted
  • It includes a customizable icon family with 135 different icons(Fully editable)
  • Drag and drop image placeholder
  • Easy editable data-driven charts (Editable via Excel)
  • Vector graphics 100% fully editable
  • Based on master slides
  • The aspect ratio of 16:9
  • All background images are included. But The pictures used for example in the image placeholder are not included (You can easily insert your images) => Example pictures copyright: pixabay.com
  • Our templates can be used for school classes, business purposes, and commercial purposes. But all images and graphics (shapes) in this template are produced by allppt.com. Redistribution of the template or the extraction graphics is completely prohibited.

I very like,
Please send to me sir

Thank you. We’ll make a better template. MUSTAFA LUTFI 🙂

cant download ur shit from ur shitty webshit

The link we checked is properly connected. We have confirmed that it is available for download. Click the “Click here to download this PPT template” button at the bottom of the page to download it.

we have downloaded this template and it is amazing. Just a small tip. Do refrain from being rude and ungrateful. It is rather unfortunate blaming someone else for your own limitations, which seems to lie with the fact that you do not know your computer. Good job ALLPPT and thank you very much!

this is too rude, please mind your language. If you don’t know how to use your computer then don’t blame anyone else.
you are getting free templates and you are complaining.
hope you understand.

Thank you. Deane 🙂

You’re totally allowed to talk shit back to those who talk shit about your wonderful work. Thank you.

Thank you. Trash must be kept in a trash bin 🙂

I can’t download Coronavirus PowerPoint Templates.

The link we checked is properly connected. We have confirmed that it is available for download. Click the “Click here to download this PPT template” button at the bottom of the page to download it.

How to download??

The link we checked is properly connected. We have confirmed that it is available for download. Click the “Click here to download this PPT template” button at the bottom of the page to download it.

why can’t download power point templates corona virus?

The link we checked is properly connected. We have confirmed that it is available for download. Click the “Click here to download this PPT template” button at the bottom of the page to download it.

I am not able to download it

The link we checked is properly connected. We have confirmed that it is available for download. Click the “Click here to download this PPT template” button at the bottom of the page to download it.

Why it is not downloading? As it is required for our work.

The link we checked is properly connected. We have confirmed that it is available for download. Click the “Click here to download this PPT template” button at the bottom of the page to download it.

Not able to download the coronavirus PPT template. Does anyone know the trick?

The link we checked is properly connected. We have confirmed that it is available for download. Click the “Click here to download this PPT template” button at the bottom of the page to download it.

hello, but why i can’t download it 🙁

The link we checked is properly connected. We have confirmed that it is available for download. Click the “Click here to download this PPT template” button at the bottom of the page to download it.

Hi, the link is not working!

The link we checked is properly connected. We have confirmed that it is available for download. Click the “Click here to download this PPT template” button at the bottom of the page to download it.

How to download this template? Please. I need the presentation. The info regarding corona virus are all here.

The link we checked is properly connected. We have confirmed that it is available for download. Click the “Click here to download this PPT template” button at the bottom of the page to download it.

i can’t download it

The link we checked is properly connected. We have confirmed that it is available for download. Click the “Click here to download this PPT template” button at the bottom of the page to download it.

can’t download it. 🙁

The link we checked is properly connected. We have confirmed that it is available for download. Click the “Click here to download this PPT template” button at the bottom of the page to download it.

thank but how can i download it

The link we checked is properly connected. We have confirmed that it is available for download. Click the “Click here to download this PPT template” button at the bottom of the page to download it.

The link we checked is properly connected. We have confirmed that it is available for download. Click the “Click here to download this PPT template” button at the bottom of the page to download it.

This template is not downloadable. After clicking “download,” it keeps taking you back to the All PPT homepage.

The link we checked is properly connected. We have confirmed that it is available for download. Click the “Click here to download this PPT template” button at the bottom of the page to download it.

having same problem.

The link we checked is properly connected. We have confirmed that it is available for download. Click the “Click here to download this PPT template” button at the bottom of the page to download it.

The template is not downloaded 💔💔

The link we checked is properly connected. We have confirmed that it is available for download. Click the “Click here to download this PPT template” button at the bottom of the page to download it.

Why the template can’t be download?

The link we checked is properly connected. We have confirmed that it is available for download. Click the “Click here to download this PPT template” button at the bottom of the page to download it.

Thank you for fixing the problem. Now it’s downloadable :))
Nice presentation. Thumbs up

Thank you. We’ll make a better template. doktercinta 🙂

Thank you. We’ll make a better template. 🙂

why this template can’t be downloaded?
please fix it immediately

The link we checked is properly connected. We have confirmed that it is available for download. Click the “Click here to download this PPT template” button at the bottom of the page to download it.

The link we checked is properly connected. We have confirmed that it is available for download. Click the “Click here to download this PPT template” button at the bottom of the page to download it.

Why can’t download.

The link we checked is properly connected. We have confirmed that it is available for download. Click the “Click here to download this PPT template” button at the bottom of the page to download it.

It’s failing to download.thanks

We have confirmed that it is available for download. Click the “Click here to download this PPT template” button at the bottom of the page to download it.

Awesome! A lot of thanks for the hard work!

Thank you. We’ll make a better template. Winnie 🙂

Hey! Taiwan is not a part of China!
The cover you use includes Taiwan in it.
Actually, Taiwan has only less than 50 cases after outbreaks despite how close they are. This country controls the diseases very well.

Sorry. I admit that we lacked our confirmation. Please revise and use Taiwan on the map. We will delete Taiwan from the map as soon as possible and post it again.

First of all, Thanks for sharing amazing PPT resources. But please be ware that the aim of your power point it to help people raise their awareness and know more about how to preventing the virus. I am a Chinese and all my friends from China all feel extremely offended when we see the map and national flag on the front page and middle in your template. It’s racist and Chinese are victims too… lots of them lost their families and friends. Lots of them volunteered to work overload to help each other. China is not a political symbol. We are real human beings like everyone else in your country. I guess you guys don’t want to educate your students or kids to hate instead of to help and support each other in this special situation. Of course you can ignore me if you are a Trump supporter:)

This template was first uploaded in February, when it was called ‘Wuhan Pneumonia’. After WHO changed its official name to ‘COVID-19’, ‘COVID-19 Testing Centers PowerPoint Templates’ was remade and uploaded further. We do not support President Trump, and we create templates in a neutral position. We didn’t think about racism, we didn’t think of China as a perpetrator. It’s just a template showing that it was a virus originating in China at that time. We apologize for the inconvenience.

First of all, Thanks for sharing amazing PPT resources. But please be ware that the aim of your power point it to help people raise their awareness and know more about how to preventing the virus. I am a Chinese and all my friends from China all feel extremely offended when we see the map and national flag on the front page and middle in your template. It’s racist and very ignorant. Chinese are victims too… lots of them lost their families and friends. Lots of them volunteered to work overload to help each other. I hope people can understand that China is not a political symbol. As Chinese we are real human beings like everyone else in your country. I guess you guys don’t want to educate your students or kids to hate instead of to help and support each other in this special situation. Of course you can ignore me if you are a Trump supporter:)

This template was first uploaded in February, when it was called ‘Wuhan Pneumonia’. After WHO changed its official name to ‘COVID-19’, ‘COVID-19 Testing Centers PowerPoint Templates’ was remade and uploaded further. We do not support President Trump, and we create templates in a neutral position. We didn’t think about racism, we didn’t think of China as a perpetrator. It’s just a template showing that it was a virus originating in China at that time. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Thanks for sharing with us amazing PPT templates. As a Chinese I feel offended and hurt seeing you put the map of China on the front page. My other friends felt the same way as i do. Chinese people are victims too. Are you a Trump supporter? Or do you think you want to educate kids to hate Chinese? I don’t see the reason why you choose this offensive pages…

This template was first uploaded in February, when it was called ‘Wuhan Pneumonia’. After WHO changed its official name to ‘COVID-19’, ‘COVID-19 Testing Centers PowerPoint Templates’ was remade and uploaded further. We do not support President Trump, and we create templates in a neutral position. We didn’t think about racism, we didn’t think of China as a perpetrator. It’s just a template showing that it was a virus originating in China at that time. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:


СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Что такое вирусы? Разнообразие размеров вирусов История изучения вирусов Строение вируса Свойства вирусов Классификация вирусов Значение вирусов

Что такое вирусы? Ви́рус (от лат. virus — яд) — микроскопическая частица, способная инфицировать клетки живых организмов. Вирусы являются облигатными паразитами — они не способны размножаться вне клетки. В настоящее время известны вирусы, размножающиеся в клетках растений, животных, грибов и бактерий (последних обычно называют бактериофагами).

Разнообразие размеров вирусов Мельчайшие живые организмы Размеры варьируют от 20 до 300нм В среднем в 50 раз меньше бактерий Нельзя увидеть с помощью светового микроскопа Проходят через фильтры, не пропускающие бактерий

ИСТОРИЯ ИЗУЧЕНИЯ ВИРУСОВ В 1852 году русский ботаник Ивановский Дмитрий Иосифович получил инфекционный экстракт из растений табака, пораженных мозаичной болезнью Палочковидная частица вируса табачной мозаики. Цифрами обозначены: (1) РНК-геном вируса, (2) капсомер, состоящий всего из одного протомера, (3) зрелый участок капсида.

СВОЙСТВА ВИРУСОВ Вирусы - мельчайшие живые организмы; Вирусы не имеют клеточного строения; Вирусы способны жить и воспроизводиться, паразитируя внутри других клеток; Большинство вирусов вызывают болезни; Вирусы устроены очень просто; Вирусы находятся на границе живого и неживого; Каждый тип вируса распознает и инфицирует лишь определенные типы клеток.

КЛАССИФИКАЦИЯ ВИРУСОВ ДЕЗОКСИВИРУСЫ РИБОВИРУСЫ 1. ДНК двухнитчатая 2. ДНК однонитчатая 1. РНК двухнитчатая 2. РНК однонитчатая 1.1. Кубический тип симметрии: 1.1.1. Без внешних оболочек: аденовирусы 1.1.2. С внешними оболочками: герпес-вирусы 1.2. Смешанный тип симметрии: Т-четные бактериофаги 1.3. Без определенного типа симметрии: оспенные вирусы 2.1. Кубический тип симметрии: 2.1.1. Без внешних оболочек: крысиный вирус Килхама, аденосателлиты 1.1. Кубический тип симметрии: 1.1.1. Без внешних оболочек: реовирусы, вирусы раневых опухолей растений 2.1. Кубический тип симметрии: 2.1.1. Без внешних оболочек: вирус полиомиелита энтеровирусы, риновирусы 2.2. Спиральный тип симметрии: 2.2.1. Без внешних оболочек: вирус табачной мозаики 2.2.2. С внешними оболочками: вирусы гриппа бешенства, онкогенные РНК-содержащие вирусы

ЗНАЧЕНИЕ ВИРУСОВ 1. ЗАБОЛЕВАНИЯ ЧЕЛОВЕКА Корь, свинка, грипп, полиомиелит, бешенство, оспа, желтая лихорадка, трахома, энцефалит, некоторые онкологические (опухолевые) болезни, СПИД, бородавки, герпес.

СПИД. ВИЧ. Многие путают два совершенно различных понятия - ВИЧ- инфицированный и больной СПИДом. Разница заключается в том, что человек, инфицированный вирусом иммунодефицита, может в течение многих лет оставаться работоспособным, относительно здоровым человеком. Такой человек не представляет никакой опасности для окружающих. Вирус иммунодефицита человека Смертельно опасный вирус СПИДа Трехмерное изображение вируса СПИДа

2. ЗАБОЛЕВАНИЯ ЖИВОТНЫХ И НАСЕКОМЫХ 1. У животных вирусы вызывают ящур, чуму, бешенство; 2. У насекомых - полиэдроз, грануломатоз. Вирус бешенства

3. ЗАБОЛЕВАНИЯ РАСТЕНИЙ У растений – мозаику или иные изменения окраски листьев либо цветков, курчавость листьев и другие изменения формы, карликовость; наконец, у бактерий – их распад. Пестролепестость, как и другие вирусные заболевания, не излечиваются.


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Download the best free Powerpoint templates to create modern presentations. Thousands of PPT templates easy to edit with high-quality slides, created by top designers around the world. Each free presentation is unique, which is why there are so many uniquely designed presentation templates to express each person's creativity and style. All the templates are multi-purpose, which means that they can be used for any presentation project, whether it be for school projects, company report, lectures, exhibitions, etc.

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